Saturday, December 10, 2016

Perfecting Holiness

An escape from filthiness requires more than thinking repentant thoughts. for we are enmeshed in a spiritual war zone, entrenched in patterns of sin that become habitual. Often darkness becomes imprinted in our souls and bodies so that even our wills are bypassed and we sin automatically.

To cleanse ourselves means that by the promise of god, we embark for a sustained struggle for holiness. This cleansing included genuine sorrow for our sins, confession and repentance.  It means a willful avoidance of sin arousing situations, reconciliation with those we have wronged, the resolute practice of christian virtues and cleaving to god through faith and prayers. It calls us to participation in the holy sacraments. Is it too difficult for us humans? Yes , thus it is the Holy spirit, who cleanses us from every stain and heals our infirmities, who empowers us to live the life of peace with God and repentance before Him.

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